I Speak English, Spanish, Italian
Female , born on Oct 26th
Brooklyn, Ny , Ny   United States

Element: Earth
Zodiac: Rabbit
Activities: Hiking, wildcrafting herbs, planting, making medicines, writing about herbs on Wikipedia
Interests: Herbs, medicine, ecology, politics, spiritual paths, collecting African masks, making stone jewelry, gardening, human microbiology and how our critters affect us.
When Not On, I am... Sticking people with needles, making herbal medicine, doing research, or vegging out. I like busman's holidays in places with interesting botany.

Organizations: Acupuncture Society of New York, American Herbalists Guild, CRREW, Acupuncturists without Borders

David Winston's Center for Herbal Studies
Degree: Certificate
Attended: 2007 to 2008

Pacific College of Oriental Medicine - New York
Degree: MSTOM
Attended: 1998 to 2001

The Pratt Institute
Degree: MSCRP
Attended: 1975 to 1977

University of Washington
Degree: BA
Attended: 1972 to 1973

University of California at Berkeley
Degree: Anthropology
Attended: 1970 to 1972


I came up in the 60s, spent as much time in the redwoods and oak forests as I could. I love biology, plants, cooking up herbs, herbalists

I have been doing herbal medicine professionally since the early 90s, and added acupuncture and Oriental medicine along the way.

Quote: I want to be in the woods everyday, because every day there I'll see something I've never seen before, and that's a reminder that there's no way I'm ever going to know everything. I want to confront my own ignorance every day. -Barry Lopez