Modification to qīng wēn bài dù yǐn

Qing Wen Bai Du Yin
(Clear Epidemics and Overcome Toxin Decoction)

''Modification:'' For tremors caused by heat injuring the sinews - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p82

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
石膏 Shi Gao gypsum 60 - 120 grams
知母 Zhi Mu anemarrhena rhizome 6 - 12 grams
梔子 Zhi Zi cape jasmine fruit, gardenia 6 - 12 grams
淡竹葉 Dan Zhu Ye lophatherum stem and leaves 3 - 6 grams
犀角 Xi Jiao rhinoceros horn 9 - 12 grams
生地黃 Sheng Di Huang Chinese foxglove root, rehmannia (fresh),Rehmannia root 9 - 15 grams
玄參 Xuan Shen ningpo figwort root, scrophularia 6 - 12 grams
牡丹皮 Mu Dan Pi moutan root bark, tree peony root bark 6 - 12 grams
黃苓 Huang Qin baical skullcap root, scutellaria, scute 3 - 9 grams
黃蓮 Huang Lian coptis rhizome 6 - 12 grams
連翹 Lian Qiao forsythia fruit 6 - 12 grams
赤芍 Chi Shao red peony root 6 - 12 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 3 - 6 grams
added 桔梗 Jie Geng baloon flower root, platycodon root
added 菊花 Ju Hua chrysanthemum flower
added 龍膽草 Long Dan Cao Chinese gentian root, gentiana root