Modification to dà huáng zhě chóng wán

Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan
(Rhubarb and Eupolnhagea pill )

''Modification:'' For cirrhosis of the liver - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p320

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
生地黃 Sheng Di Huang Chinese foxglove root, rehmannia (fresh),Rehmannia root 300 grams
黃苓 Huang Qin baical skullcap root, scutellaria, scute 60 grams
大黄 Da Huang rhubarb root and rhizome 300 grams
杏仁 Xing Ren apricot seed or kernel 60 grams
桃仁 Tao Ren peach kernel, persica 60 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 90 grams
白芍 Bai Shao white peony root, peony 120 grams
水蛭 Shui Zhi leech 60 grams
土龞蟲 Tu Bie Chong Wingless cockroach, ground beetle, eupolyphaga 30 grams
乾漆 Gan Qi lacquer 30 grams
added 柴胡 Chai Hu hare's ear root, thorowax root, bupleurum