Modification to xiāo fēng sǎn

Xiao Feng San
(Eliminate Wind Powder)

''Modification:'' For severe wind-heat and toxin - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p395

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
荊芥 Jing Jie schizonepeta stem or bud 3 grams
防風 Fang Feng saposhnikovia root, ledebouriella root, siler 3 grams
牛蒡子 Niu Bang Zi great burdock fruit, arctium 3 grams
蟬蛻 Chan Tui cicada molting 3 grams
石膏 Shi Gao gypsum 3 grams
知母 Zhi Mu anemarrhena rhizome 3 grams
生地黃 Sheng Di Huang Chinese foxglove root, rehmannia (fresh),Rehmannia root 3 grams
苦參 Ku Shen sophora root, flavescent sophora root 3 grams
木通 Mu Tong akebia caulis 1.5 grams
蒼术 Cang Zhu atractylodes rhizome 3 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 1.5 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 3 grams
黑芝麻 Hei Zhi Ma black sesame seeds 3 grams
added 金銀花 Jin Yin Hua honeysuckle flower, lonicera
added 連翹 Lian Qiao forsythia fruit
added 蒲公英 Pu Gong Ying dandelion, taraxacum
added 野菊花 Ye Ju Hua wild chrysanthemum flower