Modification to xiāo fēng sǎn

Xiao Feng San
(Eliminate Wind Powder)

''Modification:'' For severe dampness - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p395

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
荊芥 Jing Jie schizonepeta stem or bud 3 grams
防風 Fang Feng saposhnikovia root, ledebouriella root, siler 3 grams
牛蒡子 Niu Bang Zi great burdock fruit, arctium 3 grams
蟬蛻 Chan Tui cicada molting 3 grams
石膏 Shi Gao gypsum 3 grams
知母 Zhi Mu anemarrhena rhizome 3 grams
生地黃 Sheng Di Huang Chinese foxglove root, rehmannia (fresh),Rehmannia root 3 grams
苦參 Ku Shen sophora root, flavescent sophora root 3 grams
木通 Mu Tong akebia caulis 1.5 grams
蒼术 Cang Zhu atractylodes rhizome 3 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 1.5 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 3 grams
黑芝麻 Hei Zhi Ma black sesame seeds 3 grams
added 白藓皮 Bai Xian Pi Chinese dittany root (cortex), dictamnus root bark
added 薏苡仁 Yi Yi Ren coix seeds, Job's tears
added 地膚子 Di Fu Zi broom cypres, kocia fruit