Modification to líng jiǎo gōu téng tāng

Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang
(Antelope Horn and Unicaria Decoction)

''Modification:'' For persistently high fever with severe wasting and injury to the fluids - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p404

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
桑葉 Sang Ye white mulberry leaf 6 grams
菊花 Ju Hua chrysanthemum flower 9 grams
生地黃 Sheng Di Huang Chinese foxglove root, rehmannia (fresh),Rehmannia root 15 grams
川貝母 Chuan Bei Mu Sichuan fritillaria bulb, tendrilled fritillaria bulb, fritillaria 12 grams
竹茹 Zhu Ru bamboo shavings 15 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 2.4 grams
白芍 Bai Shao white peony root, peony 9 grams
羚羊角 Ling Yang Jiao antelope horn 4.5 grams
芶藤 Gou Teng stems of gambir vine; gambir, uncaria vine 9 grams
茯神 Fu Shen 9 grams
added 玄參 Xuan Shen ningpo figwort root, scrophularia
added 阿膠 E Jiao ass-hide glue, donkey-hide gelatin, gelatin
added 天門冬 Tian Men Dong asparagus tuber
added 麥門冬 Mai Men Dong ophiopogon tuber
added 石斛 Shi Hu dendrobium