Modification to wēn dǎn tāng

Wen Dan Tang
(Warm the Gallbladder Decoction)

''Modification:'' For tinnitus and hearing loss due to retention of damp-heat in the gallbladder.

    Herb Common Name   Qty.  
生薑 Sheng Jiang fresh ginger rhizome 3 - 6 grams
茯苓 Fu Ling poria, sclerotium of tuckahoe, China root, hoelen, Indian bread 4.5 grams
竹茹 Zhu Ru bamboo shavings 6 grams
半夏 Ban Xia pinellia rhizome, pinellia tuber 6 grams
陳皮 Chen Pi aged tangerine peel, citrus 9 grams
枳實 Zhi Shi unripe bitter orange, chih-shih 6 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 3 grams
added 菊花 Ju Hua chrysanthemum flower
added 柴胡 Chai Hu hare's ear root, thorowax root, bupleurum
added 石菖蒲 Shi Chang Pu sweetflag rhizome; acorus
added 芶藤 Gou Teng stems of gambir vine; gambir, uncaria vine
added 通草 Tong Cao rice paper plant pith, tetrapanax