Qu Feng Zhi Bao Dan
qū fēng zhì bǎo dān, "Greatest Treasure Special Pill to Dispel Wind"

Translated Name: Greatest Treasure Special Pill to Dispel Wind
Release Exterior-lnterior Excess

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Components (26):
 HerbCommon NameQuantityUnit
麻黃 Ma Huang ephedra stem 15 grams
荊芥 Jing Jie schizonepeta stem or bud 15 grams
防風 Fang Feng saposhnikovia root, ledebouriella root, siler 21 grams
羌活 Qiang Huo notopterygium root, chiang-huo 15 grams
細辛 Xi Xin Chinese wild ginger, asarum 15 grams
薄荷 Bo He field mint, mentha 15 grams
石膏 Shi Gao gypsum 15 grams
梔子 Zhi Zi cape jasmine fruit, gardenia 9 grams
黃苓 Huang Qin baical skullcap root, scutellaria, scute 15 grams
黃蓮 Huang Lian coptis rhizome 15 grams
黃栢 Huang Bai amur cork tree bark, phellodendron bark 15 grams
連翹 Lian Qiao forsythia fruit 7.5 grams
大黄 Da Huang rhubarb root and rhizome 15 grams
芒硝 Mang Xiao mirabilite, glauber's salt 15 grams
天麻 Tian Ma gastrodia rhizome 15 grams
滑石 Hua Shi talcum 45 grams
獨活 Du Huo pubescent angelica root, angelica root, tu-huo 15 grams
桔梗 Jie Geng baloon flower root, platycodon root 15 grams
川芎 Chuan Xiong Sichuan lovage root, cnidium, chuanxiong root 37.5 grams
人蔘 Ren Shen ginseng root 15 grams
白术 Bai Zhu (white) atratylodes rhizome, ovate atractylodes, angelica root 19.5 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 30 grams
熟地黄 Shu Di Huang cooked rehmannia root, prepared Chinese foxglove root 15 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 37.5 grams
白芍 Bai Shao white peony root, peony 21 grams
全蝎 Quan Xie scorpion; buthus 15 grams
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Wonderous Langern for Peering into the Origin and Development of Miscellaneous Diseases  Browse


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