Denise DuPree

UserPhoto Denise DuPree Acupuncture Clinic
Member since July 2013
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I Speak English
Female , born on 8/23/1962
Bainbridge Island , Washington   United States
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Favorite Herb: peoni
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Tiger
Activities: Qi Gong, swimming, water anything, reading, writing, cooking.
Interests: Hiking, outdoors, gardening, cooking, herbs, studying, reading.
When Not On, I am... Practicing

Organizations: Acupuncture Association of Washington, American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AAAOM)


I have been in practice for 14 years and have loved every single minute of my growth over these last years. I have raised and watched my 3 children grow into beautiful young adults and have watched my practice grow and continue to grow. I offer book groups, Qi Gong, lectures on TCM, put together herbal formula's and my passion continues to move to3ward women's health and wellness. I love fertility, pregnancy, labor and delivery and post-partum care, however I see women in all walks of life including children and want to help them on their journey towards health and wellness.