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Added ''Post'' '''Community Clinic seeks practitioners''' to forum "Job Postings" on ''8/17/2008''
"Kang Wen Community Clinic is a nonprofit clinic in Seattle WA. Our patients present with all sorts of problems and are treated with AOM modalities, including Chinese herbs (we have a granule pharmacy).

We are seeking new practitioners. In return for a 6 month commitment of 2 weekly shifts (a shift is 4 to 4.5 hours), qualified practitioners will receive Professional Development benefits of:

* Washington Acupuncture license * professional liability insurance at the highest level ($1 million/$3 million Preferred type) * WAOMA professional membership.

The clinic is now open on Tuesday and Fridays, but can expand to other days with increased staffing.

KWCC is a nonprofit community clinic, offering treatments to a diverse population at a sliding scale of $5-40 (more than 50% of our patients can only afford the $5 treatment level). It's a particularly good opportunity for new practitioners to see many patients, with a variety of problems.

CONTACT: Chris Flanagan @..."

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