"Have Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) Helped You?
The Time to Include AOM in Healthcare Reform is Now!
>> Promote AOM Legislative Advocacy & HR646 (The Medicare Acupuncture
Write Congress - Join the AOM Grass Roots Task Force as a
Practitioner, as a Patient, as a Local Group
We need your help! We have a rare opportunity to secure Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) as a part of comprehensive health care reform for all Americans. The time to act is now! If you haven't already done so, write Congress. Join the AOM Grass Roots Task Force - as a practitioner, patient, or as a local group. Join a nationwide collaborative effort towards achieving AOM legislative advocacy goals!
Make your voice heard as a leader in our nationwide grassroots campaign. Join the AOM Grass Roots Task Force here: www.aaaomonline.org."