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Added ''Post'' '''Herbs/treatment suggestions for pyelectasis in 22 week fetus''' to forum "Professionals Sharing their Services" on ''8/29/2007''
"I need some suggestions for a patient I am treating. The mother is a healthy 34 year old with a normal pregnancy. The fetus has been diagnosed using a sonogram with pyelectasis (collection of fluid in fetal kidneys that cause dilation). At 20 weeks the R kidney measured 8mm and the L kidney measured 7mm. Mild pyelectasis is considered <7mm. >7mm-10mm is considered moderate. Prognosis is statisically significatly better for mild cases with most cases self resolving.

I have seen this patient once and needled using tonification points for the KD, SP, Liv. She is interested in using herbs.

I would like some suggestions as to both treatment approaches (tonification vs sedation, use of 8 extras , etc) and herbal including homeopathics, single herbs, formulas.

I am looking to target the treatment for the fetus.

Thanks for any feedback.

Julia Jones, LAc."

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