Shao Yao Tang
芍藥湯 (芍药汤) sháo yào tāng, "Peony Decoction"

Translated Name: Peony Decoction
Clear Damp Heat

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Pinyin Pronunciation:
Components (9):
 HerbCommon NameQuantityUnit
白芍 Bai Shao white peony root, peony 15 - 20 grams
檳榔 Bing Lang betel nut; areca seed; areaca 4.5 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 4.5 grams
當歸 Dang Gui tangkuei, Chinese angelica root 6 - 9 grams
木香 Mu Xiang costus root, saussurea, auklandia 4.5 grams
肉桂 Rou Gui inner bark of Saigon cinnamon, cinnamon bark 1.5 - 3 grams
黃苓 Huang Qin baical skullcap root, scutellaria, scute 9 - 12 grams
黃蓮 Huang Lian coptis rhizome 6 - 9 grams
大黄 Da Huang rhubarb root and rhizome 6 - 9 grams
Greasy, slightly yellow tongue coat
Rate: Rapid (Quick, Fast)

This formula should not be used during the early stages of this disorder where there are exterior symptoms. It should not be used for chronic dysenteric disorders due to cold from deficiency.
Reference Source
Reference Source:
Collection of Writings on the Mechanism of Illness, Suitability of Qi and the Safeguarding of Life as Discussed in the Basic Questions  Browse


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