Spleen 12, Chong Men
衝門 (冲门), chōng mén, "Surging Gate"

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Pinyin Pronunciation:
Alternate Names:
NamePin YinChineseTranslated
Ci Gongcī gōng茲宮Palace of Charity
Qian Zhang Menqián zhāng mén前章門Frong Camphorwood Gate
Shang Ci Gongshàng cí gōng上茲宮Upper Palace of Charity
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Reference Source
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Point Location:
  • CAM
Superior to the lateral end of the inguinal groove, lateral to the pulsating exteral iliac artery, at the level of the upper border of synphysis pubis, 3.5 cun lateral to Qugu (REN-2).
  • Deadman
3.5 cun lateral to Qugu Ren 2, on the lateral side of the femoral artery.
How To Find It
Palpate to locate the pulsation of the femoral artery just over one handbreadth lateral to the midline at the level of the upper border of the pubic symphysis. Locate Chongmen SP-12 in the depression immediately lateral to this pulsation.
Just where the femoral nerve transverses.
On the medial side, the femoral artery
Deep needling in a medial direction may puncture the femoral artery, and in a lateral direction the femoral nerve.
  • CAM
Puncture perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 inch. Avoid puncturing the artery!
  • Deadman
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.

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