Amelia L.

Member since October 2020
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Hi, I'm Amelia, I work as a head of the sowing and cultivation industry Horticulturists can work for industry, the state or educational bodies. They are agricultural engineers, salespeople, retail business proprietors, species propagation field workers or cultivators who specialize in a particular group of plants (fruit, vegetables, plants and turf), crop surveyors, crop production advisors, specialists in a particular crop, plant caretakers, research scientists, and teachers. Courses in university education that complement horticulture are: biology, botany, Entomology, chemistry, mathematics, genetics, physiology, statistics, computer science, and communication science. Horticulturists work in plant propagation, crop improvement, and fertilizing of herbaceous plantations. Horticulturists improve the yield of crops, their quality and nutritional value, and their resistance to environmental changes. Genetics is used as a fundamental tool in the development of crops that can synthesize chemical molecules for use in pest, disease and weed control.