browse all Dispel Wind-Damp (Bi )
browse all Regulate Qi (Carminatives)
browse all Extinguish Wind and Stops Tremors
browse all Drain Dampness (Diuretics)
browse all obsolete substances
browse all Relieve Food Stagnation (Digestives)
browse all Warm the Interior and Expel Cold
browse all Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit
browse all Open the Orifices (Aromatics)
browse all Expel Parasites (Anthelmintics)
browse all External Application
browse all Release the Exterior (Diaphoretics)
browse all Warm Acrid Herbs that Release Exterior
browse all Cool, Acrid Herbs that Release Exterior
browse all Clear Heat
browse all Clear Heat and Drain Fire
browse all Clear Heat and Cool Blood
browse all Clear Heat from Deficiency (xu heat)
browse all Clear Heat and Dry Dampness
browse all Clear Heat and Resolves Toxicity
browse all Clear Heat and Relieve Summerheat
browse all Downward-Draining
browse all Moistening Laxatives
browse all Purgatives
browse all Harsh Expellants (Cathartics)
browse all Transform Phlegm and Stop Cough
browse all Cool and Transform Phlegm-Heat
browse all Warm and Transform Cold Phlegm
browse all Stop Cough and Wheezing
browse all Regulate the Blood
browse all Stop Bleeding (Hemostatics)
browse all Invigorate the Blood
browse all Tonifying Herbs
browse all Tonify Yin
browse all Tonify Blood
browse all Tonify Qi
browse all Tonify Yang
browse all Calm the Spirit
browse all Herbs that Stabilize and Bind (Astringents)
browse all Anchor, Settle and Calm the Spirit
browse all