Ren Shen Bai Du San
人參敗毒散 (人参败毒散) rén shēn bài dú sǎn, "Ginseng Power to Overcome Pathogenic Influences"

Translated Name: Ginseng Power to Overcome Pathogenic Influences
Release Exterior Disorders with Interior Deficiency

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Components (12):
 HerbCommon NameQuantityUnit
羌活 Qiang Huo notopterygium root, chiang-huo 6 grams
獨活 Du Huo pubescent angelica root, angelica root, tu-huo 6 grams
薄荷 Bo He field mint, mentha 2 grams
柴胡 Chai Hu hare's ear root, thorowax root, bupleurum 6 grams
川芎 Chuan Xiong Sichuan lovage root, cnidium, chuanxiong root 6 grams
人蔘 Ren Shen ginseng root 6 grams
茯苓 Fu Ling poria, sclerotium of tuckahoe, China root, hoelen, Indian bread 6 grams
生薑 Sheng Jiang fresh ginger rhizome 1 pieces
前胡 Qian Hu peucedanum root, hogfennel root 6 grams
桔梗 Jie Geng baloon flower root, platycodon root 6 grams
枳殼 Zhi Ke bitter orange 6 grams
甘草 Gan Cao licorice root 3 grams
White and greasy coating.

Depth: Superficial (Floating)
Qualities: Soft (Soggy)
No caution data at this time
Reference Source
Reference Source:
Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children  Browse


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'''Add Herb Huang Qin''' '''Add Herb Bing Lang''': For malarial disorders, increase the dosage of Chai Hu. - refer to:
Author: Dan Bensky and Randall Barolet
, p54 details...
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