Acupuncture Points

Browse Results For  : Window of the Sky

Location中文Pin Yin NamePoint Name
Auricular 0  Middle EarMiddle Ear
Auricular 0  Lower portion of rectumLower Portion of Rectum
Auricular 0  UrethraUrethra
Auricular 0  External GenitaliaExternal Genitalia
Auricular 0  Front Ear ApexFront Ear Apex
Auricular 0  Ear ApexEar Apex
Auricular 0   Liver Yang
Auricular 0  Helix 1-6Helix 1-6
Auricular 0  FingerFinger
Auricular 0  Urticaria or Allergic PointUrticaria or Allergic Point
Auricular 0  WristWrist
Auricular 0  ElbowElbow
Auricular 0  ShoulderShoulder
Auricular 0  ClavicleClavicle
Auricular 0  ToeToe
Auricular 0  HeelHeel
Auricular 0  AnkleAnkle
Auricular 0  KneeKnee
Auricular 0  HipHip
Auricular 0  ButtocksButtocks
Auricular 0  Sciatic NerveSciatic Nerve
Auricular 0  Sympathetic NerveSympathetic Nerve
Auricular 0  Cervical VertebraeCervical Vertebrae
Auricular 0  Thoracic VertebraeThoracic Vertebrae
Auricular 0  NeckNeck
Auricular 0  ChestChest
Auricular 0  AbdomenAbdomen
Auricular 0  Ear ShenmenEar Shenmen
Auricular 0  Uterus Seminal PalaceUterus Seminal Palace
Auricular 0  Superior TriangleSuperior Triangle
Auricular 0  EarEar
Auricular 0  External NoseExternal Nose
Auricular 0  Tragic ApexTragic Apex
Auricular 0  Infratragic ApexInfratragic Apex
Auricular 0  Pharynx-LarynxPharynx-Larynx
Auricular 0  Internal NoseInternal Nose
Auricular 0  Antitragic ApexAntitragic Apex
Auricular 0  BrainBrain
Auricular 0  OcciputOcciput
Auricular 0  TempleTemple
Auricular 0  SubcortexSubcortex
Auricular 0  MouthMouth
Auricular 0  EsophagusEsophagus
Auricular 0  Cardiac OrificeCardiac Orifice
Auricular 0  Small IntestineSmall Intestine
Auricular 0  AppendixAppendix
Auricular 0  Large IntestineLarge Intestine
Auricular 0  LiverLiver
Auricular 0  PancreasPancreas
Auricular 0  KidneyKidney
Auricular 0  UreterUreter
Auricular 0  BladderBladder
Auricular 0  Angle of Cymba ConchaeAngle of Cymba Conchae
Auricular 0  Periphery UmbilicusPeriphery Umbilicus
Auricular 0  HeartHeart
Auricular 0  LungLung
Auricular 0  TracheaTrachea
Auricular 0  SpleenSpleen
Auricular 0  SanjiaoSanjiao
Auricular 0  EndocrineEndocrine
Auricular 0  Eye 1Eye 1
Auricular 0  Lower Tragic NotchLower Tragic Notch
Auricular 0  Eye 2Eye 2
Auricular 0  CheekCheek
Auricular 0  TongueTongue
Auricular 0  JawJaw
Auricular 0  NeurasthenicNeurasthenic Point
Auricular 0  EyeEye
Auricular 0  Internal EarInternal Ear
Auricular 0  TonsilTonsil
Auricular 0  Upper Root of AuricleUpper Root of Auricle
Auricular 0  Lower Root of Auricle 
Auricular 0  Root of Auricular VagusRoot of Auricular Vagus Nerve
Auricular 0  Groove of Inferior Helix CrusInferior Helix Crus
Auricular 0  Heart (Back Auricle)Heart-Back of Auricle
Auricular 0  Spleen (Back Auricle)Spleen - Back Auricle
Auricular 0  Liver (Back Auricle)Liver - Back Auricle
Auricular 0  Lung (Back Auricle)Lung - Back Auricle
Auricular 0   Kidney - Back Auricle
Auricular 0  ForeheadForehead

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