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Du Qi Wan 都氣丸Capital Qi Pill
Da Bu Yin Wan 大補陰丸Great Tonify the Yin Pill
Da Bu Yuan Jian 大補元煎Great Tonify the Basal Decoction
Da Chai Hu Tang 大柴胡湯Major Bupleurum Decoction
Da Cheng Qi Tang 大承氣湯Major Order the Qi Decoction
Da Ding Feng Zhu 大定風珠Major Arrest Wind Pearl
Da Fang Feng Tang 大防風湯Major Ledebouriella Decoction
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang 大黃附子湯Rhubarb and Prepared Aconite Decoction
Da Huang Gan Cao Tang 大黃甘草湯Rhubard and Licorice Decoction
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang 大黃牡丹湯 Rhubarb and Moutan Decoction
Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan 大黃蛰虫丸Rhubarb and Eupolnhagea pill
Da Jian Zhong Tang 大建中湯Major Construct the Middle Decoction
Da Qiang Huo Tang 大羌活湯Major Notopterygium Decoction
Da Qin Jiao Tang 大秦艽湯Major Gentiana Qinjiao Decoction
Da Qing Long Tang 大青龍湯Major Bluegreen Dragon Decoction
Da Xian Xiong Tang 大陷胸湯Major Sinking into the Chest Decoction
Da Xian Xiong Wan 大陷胸丸Major Sinking Into the Chest Pill
Da Yuan Yin 達垣飲Reach the Membrane Source Decoction
Da Zao Wan 大造丸Great Creation Pill
Dan Dao Qu Hui Tang 膽道驅蛔湯Drive Roundworms from the Biliary Tract Decoction
Dan Huang Si Ni San 丹黃四逆散Moutan and Phellodendron Powder for Frigid Extemities
Dan Liao Si Shen Wan  Four-Miracle Pill from the Tranquil Hut
Dan Shen Yin 丹參飲 Salvia Decoction
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang 當歸補血湯Tangkuei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
Dang Gui Di Huang Yin  Tangkuei and Rehmannia Decoction
Dang Gui Ji Xue Teng Tang  Tangkuei and Jixueteng Decoction
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang 當歸六黃湯Tangkuei and Six-yellow Decoction
Dang Gui Long Hui Wan 當歸龍薈丸Tangkuei, Gentiana Longdancao, and Aloe Pill
Dang Gui Nian Tong Tang 當歸拈痛湯 
Dang Gui San  Tangkuei Powder
Dang Gui Shao Yao San 當歸芍藥散Tangkuei and Peony Powder
Dang Gui Sheng Jiang Yang Rou Tang 當歸生薑羊肉湯Mutton Stew with Tangkuei and Fresh Ginger
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang 當歸四逆湯Tangkuei Decoction for Frigid Extremities
Dao Chi San 導赤散Guide Out the Red powder
Dao Qi Tang  Conduct the Qi Decoction
Dao Tan Tang 導痰湯Guide Out Phlegm Decoction
Di Dang Tang  Resistance Decoction
Di Gu Pi Yin  Lycium Root Bark Decoction
Di Huang Yin Zi 地黃飲子Rehmannia Decoction
Di Tan Tang 滌痰湯Scour Phlegm Decoction
Di Yu San  Sanguisorba Powder
Die Da Wan  Trauma Pill
Ding Chuan Tang 定喘湯Arrest Wheezing Decoction
Ding Xian Wan 定涎丸Arrest Seizures Pill
Ding Xiang Jiao Ai Tang  Clove, Ass-Hide Gelatin, and Mugwort Decoction
Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang 丁香柿蒂湯Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction
Ding Zhi Wan 定志丸Settle the Emotions Pill
Ding Zhi Wan modified  Settle the Emotions Pill from the Wondrous Lantern
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 獨活寄生湯Angelica Pubescens and Sang-Ji-Sheng Decoction

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Formulas for External Therapies
Formulas that Clear Heat
  Clear Heat from the Qi Level
  Clear Heat from the Nutritive Level and Cool the Blood
  Clear Heat and Resolves Toxicity
  Clear Heat from the Organs
  Clear Heat from Deficiency
  Relieve Summerheat
Formulas that Drain Downward
  Purge Heat Accumulation
  Moisten the Intestines and Unblock the Bowels
  Warm the Yang and Guide Out Accumulation
  Drive Out Excess Water
Formulas that Calm the Spirit
  Nourish the Heart and Calm the Spirit
  Sedate and Calm the Spirit
Formulas that Expel Dampness
  Promote Urination and Leach out Dampness
  Transform Damp Turbidity
  Clear Damp Heat
  Warm and Transform Water and Dampness
  Dispel Wind-Dampness
Formulas that Expel Parasites
Formulas that Expel Wind
  Release Wind from the Skin and Channels
  Extinguish Internal Wind
Formulas that Harmonize
  Harmonize Lesser Yang-stage Disorders
  Regulate and Harmonize the Liver and Spleen
  Harmonize the Stomach and Intestines
Formulas that Invigorate the Blood
  Invigorate the Blood and Dispel Blood Stasis
  Warm the Menses and Dispel Blood Stasis
  Invigorate the Blood in the Treatment of Traumatic Injury
Formulas that Open the Orifices
  Clear Heat and Open the Orifices
  Warm and Open the Orifices
  Scour Phlegm and Open the Orifices
Formulas that Reduce Food Stagnation
Formulas that Regulate the Qi
  Promote the Movement of Qi
  Direct Rebellious Qi Downward
Formulas that Release the Exterior
  Release Early-Stage Exterior
  Release Exterior Cold
  Release Exterior Wind-Heat
  Release Exterior Disorders with Head and Neck Symptoms
  Release Exterior Disorders with Interior Deficiency
  Release Exterior-lnterior Excess
Formulas that Stabilize and Bind
  Stabilize the Exterior and the Lungs
  Restrain Leakage from the lntestines
  Stabilize the Kidneys
  Stabilize the Womb
Formulas that Stop Bleeding
  Clear Heat and Stop Bleeding
  Tonify and Stop Bleeding
Formulas that Tonify
  Tonify the Qi
  Tonify the Blood
  Tonify the Qi and Blood
  Nourish and Tonify the Yin
  Warm and Tonify the Yang
Formulas that Treat Dryness
  Gently Disperse and Moisten Dryness
  Enrich the Yin and Moisten Dryness
Formulas that Treat Phlegm
  Dry Dampness and Expel Phlegm
  Clear Heat and Transform Phlegm
  Moisten Dryness and Transform Phlegm
  Transform Phlegm and Dissipate Nodules
  Warm and Transform Cold-Phlegm
  Transform Phlegm and Extinguish Wind
  Induce Vomiting to Discharge Phlegm
Formulas that Warm Interior Cold
  Warm the Channels and Disperse Cold
  Warm the Middle and Dispel Cold
  Rescue Devastated Yang